a mom kissing her daughter on her forehead

My experience

Being a parent means experiencing a whole range of emotions: joy, doubt, pride, stress, and more. And that’s completely normal!

Recognizing and understanding what we feel shapes how we act and helps us face the challenges of parenting including managing discipline and screens.

Illustration d'un parent en pyjamas avec son café

Recognizing your emotions

Acknowledging and regulating your emotions as a parent helps you maintain—or regain—balance when a storm hits. It also makes for a more positive relationship with your children and sets an example to follow.

Learn how to understand and manage your emotions

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Illustration d'un parent qui fait marcher son enfant

The joys of parenthood

Being a parent is also about laughter, special moments, bursts of tenderness, and the joy of watching your children grow.

Recognizing and cherishing these beautiful moments brings so much happiness!

Discover ideas to enjoy the good times

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Illustration d'une maman qui ramasse un dégat avec un chien

Stress and pressure

Parental stress is real and can come from many different sources. If our stress levels are too high, they can affect our well-being and our ability to parent.

There’s no magic formula—it’s up to each parent to find the solutions that suit his or her family’s reality.

Discover ways to ease the pressure

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Nuosparents La Lecture

Managing screens: a big challenge for parents

It’s no surprise that managing screen time is quite a challenge for parents! Technology is everywhere, engaging and useful. But screen use needs boundaries to avoid negative effects, especially for children. How can this be managed while maintaining family harmony?

See tips and tricks for managing screens

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Illustration d'un parent qui aide son enfant avec les devoirs

Guiding by setting boundaries

Discipline is another major challenge for parents. And yet it’s so important—providing structure is a way to guide, teach, and protect your children. It’s an act of love!

To achieve this, choose a balanced and consistent approach—neither too lenient nor too strict.

Discover the 5 Cs of better discipline

Find out more