A dad playing with his newborn

My role

Three key aspects of a more satisfying family life?

Letting go of perfection and trusting yourself more. Understanding the core principles of your role as a parent. Taking care of yourself.

illustration d'une maman qui donne un bain a son enfant

No to perfection, yes to trusting ourselves

What if we embraced being “good enough” parents?

Let’s let go of perfection, find our balance by focusing on what really matters, and put more loving trust in ourselves. The whole family will be better off!

Read our tips for a calmer daily life

Find out more
Illustration d'un enfant qui joue au soccer avec son père

The 7 essentials of parenting

Being a parent is all about learning on the go! However, some basic principles can guide us in our role as moms and dads—by adapting them to fit our reality.

Discover the 7 essentials of parenting

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Illustration d'une femme qui danse

Taking care of myself: for me and my family

Is it selfish to take care of yourself? Absolutely not! In fact, it’s essential to feeling good, which helps you better fulfill your role as a parent.

Find some tips for taking care of yourself

Find out more

My role is to help them grow and thrive by being there for them, listening to them, and guiding them with love.