Managing screens: a big challenge for parents

Nuosparents La Lecture

Being a parent isn’t always easy. There’s a lot of happy times, but there are also challenges. One of the biggest ones? Dealing with screens. Because we want our family to do well, even if we’re online!

Screens have entered our lives in all kinds of devices– smartphones, tablets, computers, gaming consoles, TVs, smartwatches, and more.

These devices are everywhere and always within easy reach. Not to mention the ever-growing number of apps and features that are competing for our attention: social media, streaming, video games, and so on. But a word of caution: although screens have many perks, there’s growing evidence that intensive or inappropriate screen use can be harmful. And children are particularly at risk.

The harmful effects of screens

Some of the negative effects include sleep deprivation, vision problems, reduced physical activity, lower self-esteem, language difficulties, concentration problems, isolation and more. Not to mention the many screen-related interruptions that can damage our relationship with our children.

Being aware of screen time recommendations

Before the age of 2, it’s simple: no screens. There are no benefits, and even many downsides, to exposing children to screens at this age. And yet, 25% of toddlers aged around one and a half spend an average of one hour or more a day in front of a screen during the week, a number that rises to 35% on weekends1.

Starting at age 2, the recommendations for screen use during leisure time (this means that screen use for school or daycare isn’t counted) are:

  • Ages 2 to 52: maximum of 1 hour a day, in small chunks of 15–30 minutes, ideally with a parent present.
  • Ages 6 to 173: maximum of 2 hours a day. During the teen years, it’s important to encourage conscious use as well as self-control, since screen time tends to increase due to socialization, schoolwork, etc.

1 Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2 Canadian Paediatric Society, 3 Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology

What is balanced screen use?

Beyond the amount of screen time, it’s about choosing the right times to connect and prioritizing beneficial and safe content. For example, look for age-appropriate content that helps children develop skills and is more inclusive and interactive, while avoiding content that’s violent or uses mechanisms inspired by gambling.

Test your knowledge

If my child is active for an hour a day, he or she can spend more time on screens.

Spending long periods of time sitting or lying down (apart from sleeping) poses real health risks, even if we are active for 60 minutes a day, for example.
Unfortunately, we’re more sedentary than ever, largely because of screens. So less screen time = more movement!

Know more

Healthy screen habits start at home!

Screens are part of our modern world, and when used right, they’re great tools. But we need to stay on top of them and be positive role models.

Our responsibility as parents is to help our children develop healthy digital habits in the same way we help them learn to eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, and manage stress.

Creating a family screen plan

Screen time isn’t all or nothing. Banning screens entirely may backfire by increasing their appeal.

Some parents avoid setting limits to “keep the peace”, out of guilt, because they feel overwhelmed or because their own screen use maybe isn’t anything to brag about… But a lack of limits isn’t the solution. It can leave kids without essential guidance for developing healthy online habits.

Establishing a family screen plan that aligns with recommendations and our family’s situation can provide a clearer framework for our children’s screen use—and ours too!

This type of plan includes time limits as well as a number of other important points, such as when screens are allowed. Of course, for screen rules to work, they need to be applied by parents consistently, whether they live together or not.

A tool to help you manage screens

PAUSE Guide for connected families

Self-regulation and screens

Little by little, we can teach our children the basics of self-regulation, which builds with age. For example, we can help them:

  • understand and manage the allowed screen time
  • know when to stop (we can warn them 5 minutes before time is up, give them an hourglass, etc.)
  • master their emotions
  • find other screen-free activities
More numbers

Are we good role models for our children?

43 %

of parents feel they use their phones too much around their kids.

32 %

say they sometimes check their phones when they could be interacting or playing with their kids.

32 %

feel distracted by screens when they’re with their kids.

6 tips for a healthier digital balance within the family

A mom doing yoga with her daughter
  1. Set clear rules and make sure your children understand them, to avoid conflicts and tension.
  2. Plan screen-free time for the whole family, like during meals or before bed.
  3. Ban screens in bedrooms. This applies to both kids and parents.
  4. Be present during your child’s screen time. Watch with them and discuss what they’re seeing and feeling.
  5. Try your best to turn off your screens during family time (at home, at the park, at the restaurant, etc.). Your children deserve your attention. Otherwise, you’re sending them the message that they aren’t a priority.
  6. Plan regular screen-free activities with your children. Play outside, practice a sport, cook, do crafts, do puzzles, read, etc. Explore new hobbies together!

Visit the PAUSE website for information and free tools to help manage screen time. PAUSE is your family’s ally for achieving balance in a hyperconnected world!

Father of three

“At first, setting screen limits caused tension. But with clear rules and alternative activities, we now enjoy more quality time together. It’s a win-win situation!”


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